- Property ID: 132322
- Down Payment Made: $ 10,000.00
- Performing/ Non-Performing: Performing
- Zillow Value Estimate: $ 144,400.00
- Monthly Payment: $ 995.00
- Term: 360
- Interest Rate: 10
- Unpaid Balance Amount: $ 119,616.00
- Original Sale Price: $ 129,900.00
- Year built: 1991
- Area: 2304 sq ft
- Bathrooms: 1
- Bedrooms: 1
- Type: Note Performing
This performing Contract for Deed note is being offered in Harrisburg, AR. This loan is serviced by a 3rd party servicing company. Percentage owned: 100%
As of October 2022, there were 355 term units left on this loan.
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This Note Performing style property is located in Harrisburg is currently Note performing and has been listed on Odell Barnes REO. This property is listed at . It has 1 bed bedrooms, 1 bath bathrooms, and is 2304 sq ft. The property was built in 1991 year.