The Power of Networking

The Power of Networking

The old saying that your network is your net worth is incredibly legitimate on so many levels.  Imagine if you’re hanging out with people with no goals, no ambition and no drive to do much of anything.  You will end up just like them if you sit in that circle...
Buy Assets to Pay For Liabilities

Buy Assets to Pay For Liabilities

I don’t know about you but I like material things.  I like to wear nice stuff, drive a good car, live in a nice house, buy stuff for my wife and daughter, take vacations, etc.  The issue is, these things all cost money and most people work to buy these things...
Real Estate Investing Is Easy

Real Estate Investing Is Easy

The world is a tough place.  The world is a beautiful place.  Do you see the difference in those two statements?  Read them out loud and see how they make you feel inside.  I guarantee one is more satisfying than the other.  One thing that has resonated with me over...