August 2019 New Inventory

August 2019 New Inventory

Here is a list of our newest acquisitons available for purchase.  Give our office a call if you have an interest in any deals you see at 321-286-8253  Click on any of the addresses below for more information. 90 Evans St Binghamton, NY 2126 Colonial St SE Warren, OH...
Sharing Pragmatic Investing Advice

Sharing Pragmatic Investing Advice

I attend a lot of events and meet a lot of people around this great country of ours.  We talk real estate, entrepreneurship and life and everywhere I go it’s a given that I meet people interested in real estate.  When I tell people that I play monopoly for a...
It’s Just A Game

It’s Just A Game

Summer is here!  It got me thinking back to being a kid and all of the games I used to play.  I lived outdoors during the day until the street lights came on and then would come in to spend dinner and time with my family. My parents and Grandparents owned investment...